Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Author Time!

Hi guys as you can see on title i am looking for a new author so i would like a really Epic Survey
Ok here it is, you can copy and paste it to the comments ;)

Chobots Name:

Chobots Age:

Ever been on Agent Poll:  -( if u haven't don't worry)-

Why you want to work here:

Who's your favourite agent:


  1. hodhod
    339 ( grandma XD )
    bcuz i love the blog and i love to help u :)
    adora, sightens (BFF)

  2. Chobots name: Blemblabs
    Age: 217
    Ever been on agent poll: No xD
    Why i wanna work on this blog: Beacuase this is such an awesome blog and it would be a great i love posting xDDD
    Fav agent: Adora =D


  3. Hi my name is muilto

    chobots age 32 BUT i HAVE AN OLD ACCOUNT WHICH over 300 but forgotten password

    Never been on agent poll

    I want to work here because I think its a cool site, I also have 2 years of blogging and designing expreience and am great with graphics
    due to having 3 club penguin sites over 10000 hits although I cant reavel names as I have quit and will never go back again, did I mentioned this site rocks!

    My favourite agent is Gelu_cool!

    I really want to become an agent and work super hard!

