Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Complete's De-Agented

Okay it's robots01. You may of heard that complete has been deagented. We don't know exactly why but the story complete said was that he was getting small chat bans all day. Then later he got 12 hours chat ban. well, he was in his 12 hour chat ban he got deagented. So were contacting a mod and findiing about his deagented. So if your wondering thats how it became.

I'm back :D

Hey guys, I'm back from vacation! :D We went to visit my grandparents. I really missed playing on Chobots, so I guess I'll have to spend extra time on Chobots, to make up for the time I was gone x]


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Out All Day

Hey guys i'm sorry for not posting much since it's summer i'm usually out all day and going to waterparks, beaches, and other places. So i'm not be able to post much. So i'm sorry for that and i hope u forgive me!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Leaving for 2 Weeks

Hey guys. :) I'm going away for around 2 weeks to a summer camp. :) There's no wi-fi, so I won't be able to blog, or go on Chobots. I'm leaving tomorrow. :(
When I get back, tell me about all the parties, updates, and fun stuff that happened while I was gone! :)

See ya guys,

Clothes Again!

Hey guys chobots keeps updating on our clothes :D so we have pretty cool ones here (mostly theme native american) Here they are above Also i won another v-flag i'm getting it in red but i haven't gotten it yet either tonight or tomorrow morning :D

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hey guys i'm robots01 i'ma new author so....yo. Lol. So i'll be posting a little bit! But let's get to know meh! I work on 3 blgos this 1, (mine), and ferrice's chobot blog. Also known as chobox360 and gelato. So anywayz here's more about meh. I love nachos and tacos. I like rice pudding and yeah... So see you guys next time l8er!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Art by Deli

Hey guys. :) Amazing art by Deli(ciouzz).
Comment and tell me what you think of it. :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday Updates!

We got some more Friday updates! Whooo!! xD The new items that were added to the catalogues are: a new hat, a flower skirt, pants with a belt, and a new suit. Also, one new mod magic item was added, the music magic!

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Agents!

Hey guys! The agent poll ended, and there are some new agents! They are:

Good job guys! Welcome to the team. :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hi guys! Sorry for posting this late, but there is a new Agents Poll on the official Chobots blog ( Be sure to vote! Good luck everyone! :)
See ya around Chobots,
Domo32 :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Agents!

Hi Everyone. New agents were added to the team. Congratulations! They are:

Good job guys! Welcome to the team. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Random party!

Hiki threw a random party today! lol, she said it was her longest party ever!! Woot! xD No one knew which mod was actually hosting the party until the very end ;D

I had so much fun! Can't wait for the next party! :D

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Hey guys, every Friday the Chobots team adds new items to the catalogues! Woot! xD So, this they added 3 new masks and a football suit (or in America a new 'soccer suit') lol.

Doesn't the new suit get you in the World Cup spirit! :D

P.S. I want to welcome domo32 to this blog :) He's an awesome friend of mine and he's a great blogger. He'll keep you guys updated ;D

New Author

Hi Chobots! I'm the new author here on this awesome blog. I'm so excited to be working with Skoda! I'll be posting Chobots updates, parties, glitches, and just about anything else about Chobots. :) Here's my player card:
That's all! See ya later guys! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Disappearing servers!

For the past couple of days, some of the servers have been missing. I'm not sure exactly why this is happening. Does you guys have any ideas?

I think it was those nichos.....they stole our servers! :O

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Space racing contest!

Hiki announced today that there is a Space Racing contest going on right now. The winners will be announced in 2 days! Also, the winning Chobots will win bugs :)

So grab your friends, and lets start racing!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hiya :)

Hi im a new author coolcrisp

My blog is
This is my header for it, and if you look for me, what I wear :)

Have a great day

Ahp Template By: Me!

Hey guys look do u like the template i made for
Reeter said he will make a post about the template and the maker.
Please visit that blog, and vote for new agents. (:
Bye guys. im new to Chobots and i get a request to make a template for Ahp, my life keeps getting better.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

ChoRacer Results.

Hi guys this is my first post and it is about the ChoRacer winners.

1.Renars12345 :5000 bugs

2.coxcollin :4000 bugs

3.beebop399 :3000 bugs

Well done guys.
i hope everyone had a great
time playing the game.

Clothing updates!

Hey guys, 4 new items were added to the catalogues this week. They are: an Indian hat, a new tee-shirt, a cat backpack, and the wave mod magic! So now its time to spend your bugs on these awesome new items ;D

My favorite is the cat backpack, which one is your favorite? :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

New author allstar0014 :)

Hey guys! I'm allstar0014, the new author on Skoda's blog :D I'll be posting about all the latest updates in Chobots :) I love playing on Chobots and I go on everyday, so when you see me on don't be shy, just say hi! ;D