Friday, September 3, 2010

Clubpengi's art

I have another masterpiece for you guys! It's another beautiful drawing done by clubpengi! :D

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Autumn homepage

Did you see the new homepage? Bye bye Summer...hello Autumn xD
P.S. Do you guys think that the shirt the boy is wearing on the new homepage will be in the shop soon o: ?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September citizenship items

The September citizenship items are here! :D There's a holding teddy bear (1 month citizenship), a maple board (6 month citizenship), and a Neptune suit (12 month citizenship)!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Design clothing

Hiki needs your help! Can you design her some warm coats, scarfs, hats, gloves and boots because it's getting colder outside ;D

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nicho party

Hiki's hosting a Nicho party TOMORROW at the cafe street at 21:00 Chobots time. So get ready 'cause Hiki has her super evil Nicho suit on :O

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Research contest

Since there are 1858 followers on the main blog, Hiki decided to have a research contest! So research about the year 1858 and use the template below. Good luck! You have until the main blog reaches 1900 followers! ;D

Monday, August 23, 2010

CMV by Sparky2k9

Hey guys, check out this vid! It's Sparky2k9's newest CMV 'Fireflies'. You're gonna love it! :D

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Citizen party!

Hiki is having a party in the Citizen's location on Monday, August 23rd!! The party starts at 21:00 Chobots time. Be sure to look your best because Hiki will be posting the most stylish Cho on the main blog.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday updates!

I'm so excited to show show you the Friday Updates!! :D There are 4 new items: a new junior hair, a citizen hair for girls, a sailor shirt, and the dragon costume!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Art by luvlie

I love posting about art work because Chos spend a lot of time working on them and they turn out amazing. Here's a summer scene created by luvlie! Great work! It's beautiful!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Racer winners

The racer competition is now over! Here are the results:

Tapity1 gets 3 weeks of citizenship.
Snooopy63 gets 2 weeks of citizenship.
Jbin and Weibin get 1 week of citizenship.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Scholarly Chos

It's getting pretty close to the start of the school year for me (I know some people already started school) so I decided to look for stylish Chos who look ready to go back to school :]

So here they are! Tania looks scholarly with her scroll, rainn looks ready for music class, and itune looks ready for art class!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Racer competition

Guess what everyone, there's a racer game competition going on right now! It will only last for 4 days and winners get citizenship! ;D

Meet the New Agents!

Hello Chobots. :D

Poll results came in today. Look at the results!
The new agents are....
Itune, Asoooomi, Ebtama, Peachiesocks, and Chasewest!
Good job guys. (: Welcome to the team.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stay safe

Hey Chos! Hiki made a post on the main blog today about never sharing passwords. Swifty made this beautiful drawing as a reminder. Great work swifty!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Flower board!

Did you guys notice this new item in the Magic Shop? It's the flower board! :D

Monday, August 9, 2010

Name game answer

Hey guys! Ok, the answer to the name game was....that both names have 123 at the end! xD

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Another game

Hey guys, I've got another name game for you! :D Tell me what these names have in common! First one to get it right gets their tracker in the next post x]

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Items

Hola Chobots! There are... drum roll people... new items!
There's new girl hair, boy hair, dragon mask, and a panda backpack! Cool! :D Tell me if you like or dislike these items in the comments.

Also, I'll be going on vacation tomorrow, so I won't be able to blog and go on Chobots as much. But I'll still have wi-fi access! I'll post all about my vacation when I get back.

Bye guys!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Reminder art work

Hey guys :) I think we all need a little reminding every once in a while that Chobots is a family game, and so please remember to follow the rules. That's why I love this art work done by clubpengi :D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Did you see the new Chobots homepage? Well, they added a 7Wiz advert to the side! xD

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Friday the 13th

Did you see the new contest on the main blog? Well, because next Friday is 'Friday the 13th' Hiki wants you to tell her about this day in your country! Here's the template, so have fun!

Sweet Battle Competition!

Hey guys theres a sweet battle competition :D I'm playing to make some moneh xDD

Monday, August 2, 2010

Plunder's art

I found some cool artwork underground today! Check it out, it's a beach scene made by plunder! Amazing job plunder :D

Epic Movie 6- By William

Another great video by William. :) Check it out below

I liked it. :D Can't wait till Epic movie 7! O:
See ya later,

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Name game

It's time to put on your thinking caps! Take a look at the pic below. All the Cho's names share something in common. Look at their names and tell me what they all have in common x] Good luck guessing!
HINT: It has something to do with the letters....

Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Citizenship Items!

New Citizenship items were added today. :D
I really like the cow one... MOO! :D
See ya,

Friday, July 30, 2010

New Items

Hey guys! Brand new items are out in the shops.
 What do you think of these new items? Tell me in the comments. :)
See ya,

Sorry guys.

Guys for some reason when i came onto my account today some people framed me for lieing. Guys unless my cousin went on my accoutn again or somebody got my password i swear i wasn't lieing. if any of ye find out im lieing ill quit 7wizards straight away.
Im sorry for what whoever on my account account said or done.
But once again i swearrrrr it wasnt me.

Space Race Results!

hey chos here ish the space racer results ^^

Arno0b and weibin get 3 weeks of free citizenship.
Jangofett320 - 2 weeks.
Lambyyy and bobo100p - 1 week of citizenship.